Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Majora's Mask: Day Two

It is now Night one. 8:00...and emily is talking to frogs down by the spring...


After making the music man angry, he gave her a mask that tells her to lead parades of little animals. oh cute. Now she's practicing with a dog. ok she got bored of that...saw that coming. I'm surprised she didn't kick the dog.

I've never understood the ploop ploop noises that the bomber gang makes when they walk around. It sounds like their shoes are full of water. typical little kids

After barging into the wrong room and jumping on a table, disrupting some weird juggler's card game, link/emily went to meet anju in the kitchen at midnight to discuss her run away fiance, kaifei, who has mysteriously disappeared. Scandalous! Also, there are bugs in the kitchen. Double Scandal!

...aaand anju is taking too long so emily is standing on the microwave...
Creaking door! omg! here she comes...

there are still bugs walking around in the kitchen

wow anju walks ridiculously slowly...

... she's still going... also seemingly unfazed by the skittering beetles.

ok she finally gave us a freakin letter. Bout time. Emily/link has an important meeting...in which she will be batman. Sort of...she saves this old lady's purse...which is full of bombs. Exciting life. And then she mails that letter immediately after. Like a boss. Ka-ching!

But apparently it was all for naught...Emily was still rejected from the milk bar. Haters.

The next morning, emily woke up in a box. it was raining. She was staking out Kafei's hiding spot in hopes of catching him accepting the letter from the mailman. Unfortunately, the mailman is late as usual. In frustration, emily tracks down the mailman just to make sure he's doing his job. What a slacker.


Now emily is attacking everything in the field. she's kind of scary actually. I'm glad she doesn't have a sword in real life. she just sliced out a slimes heart out and ate it. o_o

Once her murderous rage subsided, she ran back to the laundry pool to find kafei...little did she know that...we had broken the quest by saving that bomb lady. Oops.

Emily takes her rage out on chopping logs at the swordsman school.


  1. :D The Anju and Kafei quest is my faaaaaavorite! It's so involved and easy to mess up at the last second though :/

    You guys are making me nostalgic!

  2. ((side note)) i had to type in the word "ingle" to post that comment...

    Tingle is watching??

  3. Haha! What a coincidence! Although definitely adds to his creepiness. :P
